Chakroff’s Blog

January 18, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — chakroff @ 11:45 am

Hi.  My name’s Krystal. I don’t know if we’re supposed to introduce ourselves or not, but I always feel weird if I don’t.  And since the questions are always the same, or along the same vein at any rate, I’ll answer those first day of class questions, and then I’ll get on with the hard-core blogging. Or at least with the responding to the readings.  I’m not really sure that’ll be considered hard-core.

So, from the top: I’m a Taurus on the cusp of Aries.  Kidding. Well, that’s true, but doesn’t exactly have any bearing on 691, now does it?  This is my second semester with UH’s LIS program, and I’m moving into my fifth month in Hawaii.  (I’m from Michigan, outside of Detroit if you’re wanting a visual, and I’m thoroughly enjoying not being in the midst of a Winter Weather Advisory every other day.)  I’m fairly certain I want to do work in conservation and preservation, but I’m ok exploring my options at the moment.  I know I’m not on the school librarian/media specialist track…other than that, well, we’ll see.  I’m taking this class for several reasons, among them the fact that I enjoy social computing in general and want to learn more about it past the free time level, and the fact that I see the world becoming more and more interactive, in an internet sort of way, and I don’t want to be left in the lurch not understanding the newfangled web 2.0.

With that whole expanding my horizons goal in mind, I picked WordPress because…well, it’s pretty.  Seriously, though, I’m down with their design philosophy and I haven’t used it yet despite my best intentions, so this was a perfect excuse. Plus my friend started a Tech Writing blog a few months ago and was impressed with them, and she’s a good judge of usability (and design, for that matter), so I followed her lead.  At the moment, I know the blog’s got that grating color of blue for the header, but as soon as I work my way around, that’ll change.  On the other hand, if you’re just getting the feed, I don’t think you see the page.  But it’ll bug me if I leave it.

OK, who I am, how long I’ve been in the program, which track, why I’m taking the class…if there’s anything else you’re wanting to know about me, ask away.  Or if you have any brilliant WordPress insight, feel free to share.

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